KeNn's Secret GArdeN



Sucks Week!!

I had experienced 2 weeks of sucks life in my uni!
this 2 weeks is totally time wasting week!
well, thesis stuff still unsettle and i need to submit it before my internship start!
unfortunately, my supervisor always delay his meeting time with us!
omg, i had been waiting him for one week, he said he is on leave now!
well, i keep waiting!

my mate tell me that he is available on tuesday, i m so happy with tat, my brain keep thinking of: omg, finally i had settle my thesis!! this is fxxking excited!!!!
once i arrived my faculty, sunddenly, message received and we felt pissed off!!!!
OMG, how can he delay our meeting? it should be in his schedule, ryte? he promised with us he is available on 3pm tuesday!!!
well, we asked him when he will be free?
he said wednesday 10am.....
after seeing him for almost 10 minutes on wednesday, he commented that a lot of correction need to be done for the thesis! It's not mine! but, i can estimate that my thesis will be more worst than my mate!

Then, we had decided that we will be right bek to ukm during the third or fourth day of Chinese new year! this is so sucks! n my feeling of celebrating CNY totally spoiled by him! i have no mood to do my thesis!

but no choice, i have to accomplish it before my internship start! i am unable to meet with him when i go for my internship! it is too far lah! i won't sacrifice my lunch time to do such idiot action to meet with him for a short meeting with duration no longer then 20 minutes! taking public transport especially KTM used up to 20 minutes! walao! 1 hour of break, how can i go to meet him?

my supervisor ask me to get permission from my superior for meeting with supervisor, walao! how dare i will do that wor? this will affect my internship score wat! he told me that Cheras is quiet near from UKM, well, i know it is near, but please consider that i dont have own transport! moreover, malaysia's roads "love" traffic jam!

Salute to my supervisor! i m not "du lan" u! but, i wish u will not spent your time with your holiday! many students need to meet with u leh!
I NEED GRADUATE! NOT U!!!! thank you!!! hope you understand our situation!


be strong kenn !!

Happy Chinese New Year !! hope u can get ur mood back .. ^^ enjoy ur CNY kay ^^