KeNn's Secret GArdeN



Prosperous Rabbit Year!

oppppssss! juz realize my photo collections only hav form 6 gathering pics! XD

Spent few days to celebrate Lunar New Year, unstoppable outing event until midnite.....
although it's tiring my body, however, i spent all my time with my beloved friends!
thanks to them~

This CNY, the most memorable moment was the moment when gathered wif primary school friends! I juz realized tat, we were still friends But not strangers~ i see changes....... out of my expectation...... especially the people that i most hate ever....... XD

Later, gambling until the next morning....... this year, mayb a prosperous year for me, the luck oways be my side..... Hahaha...... i win RM60++, then the next day, treating them to have a LAO SHANG!!!! XD

ThisYear, hopefully a good year for everyone, especially in health........ wish tat everyone oways healthy, stay happy..........

Wishing my brother-in-law give a new baby in our family....... mummy is longer waiting til the neck long....... hahaha~

Wishing myself, everything will be fine, especially my academic performance~ haha!