KeNn's Secret GArdeN



i smell new year and also lunar new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh, just found that this photo is creative! So CUTE!!!!

Yipee! 2011 going to end soon~ today is 28 November, countdown 3 days for the 2012!

2011 is a busy year for me! facing a lot of new challenges! meet a lot of different characteristic human! Well.... next year going to graduate and step into new chapter of life! waiting and curious about the upcoming life!

January going to celebrate Chinese new year too! oppsss..... it's just too early for me! not prepare yet for those grooming stuffs!

2011 make me bankrupt and spent too much! Swear and plan to reschedule my financial and also doing some budgeting stuff! BUT, everything is just FAILED!!!! >< due to the attraction of shopping and outing, i force myself to control, BUT, it's never success and finally i used my money!!! OMG!

2012, I will force myself to control my expenses! KENN HO, please make it!!!!!! ><

By the way, happy 2012!

World Peace!!!!!!



Dun go shopping n makan so much XD


@pui lan: u la! hahaha~ always attract me to go out! XD

@jason: hehe~ happy new year to u too!