KeNn's Secret GArdeN



Season of Stress Life

Lalalala, it's season of brain challenging! Exam is around the corner!

The examination season start on next week, and now comes to the end of study week!

it's time to face the reality!

Vomit out what you have learned and what effort you have made to face your paper!


Personally, i think study week doesn't help me, it gives me chance to lying on my bed, doing nothing, enjoy time with facebook, enjoy favourite cuisines and beverages, enjoy watching HK drama! This is the reason for me to enjoy this study week! Laziness always beside me! LOL

Well, i think most of the people will spent their time at home during this study week! but for some of the bookworm or genius, this may be a very good period for you to revise what you have learn, doing summarize on it! Well, this not happen anymore in my life during my university life~ everything is just cincai~ =D

oppps, forget about one of my big challenge, my lovely thesis! this thesis totally make me insane! i hope to divorce with thesis! haizzz, lot of result need to analysis during thesis, some more, my dearest thesis supervisor always travelling around, no time for me to meet with him! haizz...... PROF, i know you rich, can you please settle my stuff before your trip? i need to graduate leh!

Well, the reality is i have to finish my thesis before next semester after submitted a form!!!! It's time to study, no more complain and emotional mood!

Steady la, KENN HO!

just two subjects, can't kill your pointer geh!


Good luck everyone who going to exam!